Pom Puma Dragon
Hi, I’m Pom the Puma Dragon. I’m a big red squeaky chirpy boy, and this is my second term as admin of the U2F2, this first starting back in 2017. I’ve been a furry since 2009 and joined the Utah fandom in 2016 after seeing a bunch of furs at FanX, as well as seeing the fursuit that would one day be mine. I decided to try an get more involved in the local furry community by attending any event I could, which for a while were not many, as I worked retail and most events occurred on Saturdays. I had my fursuit, Pom, by November of 2016 and was trying to find any excuse to wear them. Eventually, the Watchtower game nights were started on Wednesday evenings, and I was fursuiting there every other week.
As to why I find the furry fandom so appealing, I am someone who has always found anthropomorphic characters far more interesting than normal boring human characters. There’s just something about being a fox-person, or dragon-person, I found to be so cool. I picked up the book series Redwall after becoming a furry, and it influenced me so much that I now have a fursuit of one of the characters, Slagar the Cruel from Mattimeo. This community has allowed me to build confidence in what I consider my true self, to the point that everyone, even co-workers, know me as Pom.
Since then, I have taken it upon myself to be a leader in this community, as leadership comes naturally to me. I run the U2F2 podcast, which goes out to events and talks with other furs about being a furry in Utah, as well as run various event and become a person of note in the Utah furry community.