
Welcome to the U2F2 Elections page

This is a centralized resource for all admin election related happenings and procedures.

Rules and guidelines

You can review the full list of U2F2 community rules and guidelines (including the standards to which admins are held within the community).


What are the eligibility requirements for U2F2 adminship?


In order to be considered, any potential community leader must…

  • Be in good standing within the group. Members that have a Level 2 warning or higher recorded against them at the time of election are deemed as not being in good standing and thereby are not permitted to run for adminship. Members with a Level 1 warning will have votes detracted from their total count once election voting has closed.
  • Must be members of all the associated U2F2 community groups (including the Utah Furs Meetups Telegram Group and the U2F2 Facebook Group). This is expected as these platforms are frequently used for the organization and planning of meets. Membership to these groups must have been established prior to the commencement of the September 2024 election process (September 1, 2024).
  • Must have attended at least 12 U2F2-sanctioned events in the last 6 months (prior to September 1, 2024).
  • Have been local residents of Utah for at least 12 months prior to the election period.

Community Leader Expectations

If a prospective community organizer cannot perform the following duties, they should not consider adminship or their candidacy may be rejected.

If you are nominating another member, please respect them by consulting on the following expectations before nominating them, as it is unfair to only assume their ability to meet the following:

  • Community leaders must be able to attend most meets, and not just their own organized events. Leaders are not only responsible for organizing meets but also assisting in the organization of other members’ sanctioned meets. It’s expected that community organizers attend the majority of U2F2 events. This also means…
  • You must have your own reliable form of transportation – A lot of driving is involved in organizing and attending/leading meets. You must be willing to put miles on your vehicle to achieve this at your own cost.
  • You must have a proactive, self-starting attitude and willingness to jump in and start projects and ideas. You must be an excellent public speaker, able to make announcements to many members in person. You must also be outgoing and willing to approach and meet new members and welcome them to meets.
  • You must be financially responsible for meets – Meets cost money. On average, community organizers spend between $300-1000 a year out of their own pocket to help book venues and run events. Sometimes, these finances are covered by attendance, but many times, they are not, so organizers should expect to be out of pocket.
  • You must be a member or willing to become a member of ALL U2F2 community groups, including our Telegram Channels, Facebook pages and groups, and other social media platforms like Twitter/X.
  • You may need to be legally responsible and willing to occasionally cooperate with law enforcement. When officially sanctioned U2F2 events are held, the community organizers may need to ensure the legality and safety of all members and attendees. It’s not uncommon that disputes may arise where community leaders are expected to provide testimony to legal or law enforcement institutions when the time arises. Note this does not apply to 3rd party events or events held on 3rd party private property. For a full list of what admins/leader are (and are not) responsible, see our community guidelines.
  • You must be level-headed and able to avoid drama to mediate community disputes. Adminship is NOT a platform for people to gain power so they can control the community experience of others. In fact, any admin who cannot mediate disputes as a committee with the other members from a neutral position will likely be expelled from their position. Community disputes are handled by a committee of other admins who take time to investigate. Solo or rogue actions taken without the other leaders’ consent are unacceptable.
  • In addition to all the above, community leaders must read and understand our complete list of community guidelines.


Note: Becoming a community leader/admin does not grant the member adminship of the Utah Furs General Chat telegram group. This is an entirely separate entity run and managed by a different group of admins. 

Election Schedule

  • September 1 – 7
    Nominations; members will nominate the individuals that they feel would best serve as admin.
  • September 8 – 14
    Opening Statements; nominees will introduce who they are, their qualifications/skills for the position, and what opportunities they hope to contribute to the group as admin; at this same time, the community will also be submitting questions to a Google Form that will be asked of the nominees.
  • September 8 – 14
    Q&A Phase 1; questions submitted by the community will be presented to the nominees to answer.
  • September 15 – 21
    Q&A Phase 2; Nominees answer questions submitted by the community.
  • September 22 – 28
    Election Phase; the poll will be posted and the community will vote for a nominee.
  • September 29
    The votes will be tallied and the new admin will be announced; the new admin’s duties will commence on the 1st day of the following month.

The election process

What are the steps in the U2F2 admin election process

Step One


  • Anyone can nominate another member who is in good standing to become an admin. Please note that the nominee must qualify for adminship otherwise their nomination will be rejected.
  • You cannot nominate yourself.
  • Each nomination must be seconded by another member of good standing in order to be officially entered into the election.
  • All nominees must be willing to adhere to and enforce the community rules and guidelines, as well as meet the leadership expectations.


How it works:

  • The official election nomination announcement will be posted on the U2F2 Announcements Telegram Channel.
  • Members can then comment/reply to this announcement post with their nominations.
  • Members can also second other members’ nominations in this comment thread.
  • Nominees can then either accept or reject their nomination only once it has been seconded.
  • Nominated members MUST have already been members of both the U2F2 Meetups Telegram Group and U2F2 Facebook Group prior to September 1, 2024 to be eligible.
Important: It is crucial that both members nominating candidates and potential candidates understand the expectations of a community leader before engaging in the election process!

Step Two

Opening Statements

  • All qualified nominees are welcomed to write up or submit a video (or audio clip) up to 3 minutes long for their opening statements (who they are, what they think they can do for the group, future goals, etc.). This opening statement/introduction is published to this page (see below).

Step Three

Open for candidate Q&A

  • Questions are submitted by the community. An admin will then review the questions submitted and narrow down the best ones to present to the nominees. The nominees will then respond to all questions in a written format. The Q&A form is available on this page (see below).

Step Four


  • A poll is then created for members to cast their votes on for 1 week.
  • Only local Utah members, and members of the groups (to include the U2F2 Meetups Telegram Chat/Group and the Facebook Group), who have already established membership before the commencement of the selection cycle, can vote. Any other votes will be dismissed.


Important: We will be validating each vote (information like the voter’s telegram handle will be required). Invalid votes or multiple votes from a single user will be rejected. Thankfully, Telegram provides us with all the tools to validate voting in this manner, and gaming the system in any way will not be tolerated and could result in the disqualification of the candidate.

In the case where there are multiple candidates: The adminship will be granted to the candidate who has the most votes. In other words: the popular vote winner becomes the elected candidate.

In the case where there is only a single candidate: The voting becomes a ‘Vote of Confidence.’ In other words, members vote either “yes” or “no” to the eligible candidate. A “yes” vote indicates you have no objections to the potential candidate.

Step Five

Election Results and Induction of Candidate

  • At the conclusion of the week-long period of voting, a winner will be announced to the members of U2F2.
  • The new admin’s duties will then commence on the 1st of the next month.

Current Election Process

Important Updates

We extend our sincere thanks to all nominators and nominees for their participation in this phase of the election process. The verification of nominees has now been completed. To qualify, nominees must have fulfilled the eligibility requirements, as clearly outlined in the announcement posts and the election information page (this page) prior to the start of the election process.

Accordingly, the eligibility of each nominated candidate has been validated based on the following criteria:

These eligibility requirements—recommended by our community—ensure that candidates demonstrate a strong connection to the community and a clear understanding of the responsibilities that come with adminship. This is why we continually encourage all community members to thoroughly review the rules and requirements before participating in the election, ensuring that each nominated candidate is well-prepared to meet these expectations.

Based on the validation chart above, the qualifying candidate for the September 2024 U2F2 Admin Elections is: Delta.

Meet your candidates

Meet the candidates and hear their opening statements.

This section will be populated when this stage of the election process has been reached.

Questions and Answers

Below you will find the questions and candidate answers. Candidates are displayed in the other in which their responses were received.

This section will be populated when this stage of the election process has been reached.


Below you will find the questions and candidate answers. Candidates are displayed in the other in which their responses were received.

This section will be populated when this stage of the election process has been reached.