
Welcome to the U2F2 Elections page

This is a centralized resource for all admin election related happenings and procedures.

Rules and guidelines

You can review the full list of U2F2 community rules and guidelines (including the standards to which admins are held within the community).


What are the eligibility requirements for U2F2 adminship?


In order to be considered, any potential community leader must…

  • Be in good standing within the group. Members that have a Level 2 warning or higher recorded against them at the time of election are deemed as not being in good standing and thereby are not permitted to run for adminship. Members with a Level 1 warning will have votes detracted from their total count once election voting has closed.
  • Be members of all the associated U2F2 community groups (including the Utah Furs Meetups Telegram Group and the U2F2 Facebook Group). This is expected as these platforms are frequently used for the organization and planning of meets.
  • Have been local residents of Utah for at least 12 months prior to the election period.

Community Leader Expectations

If a prospective community organizer cannot perform the following duties, they should not consider adminship or their candidacy may be rejected.

If you are nominating another member, please respect them by consulting on the following expectations before nominating them, as it is unfair to only assume their ability to meet the following:

  • Community leaders must be able to attend most meets, and not just their own organized events. Leaders are not only responsible for organizing meets but also assisting in the organization of other members’ sanctioned meets. It’s expected that community organizers attend the majority of U2F2 events. This also means…
  • You must have your own reliable form of transportation – A lot of driving is involved in organizing and attending/leading meets. You must be willing to put miles on your vehicle to achieve this at your own cost.
  • You must have a proactive, self-starting attitude and willingness to jump in and start projects and ideas. You must be an excellent public speaker, able to make announcements to many members in person. You must also be outgoing and willing to approach and meet new members and welcome them to meets.
  • You must be financially responsible for meets – Meets cost money. On average, community organizers spend between $300-1000 a year out of their own pocket to help book venues and run events. Sometimes, these finances are covered by attendance, but many times, they are not, so organizers should expect to be out of pocket.
  • You must be a member or willing to become a member of ALL U2F2 community groups, including our Telegram Channels, Facebook pages and groups, and other social media platforms like Twitter/X.
  • You may need to be legally responsible and willing to occasionally cooperate with law enforcement. When officially sanctioned U2F2 events are held, the community organizers may need to ensure the legality and safety of all members and attendees. It’s not uncommon that disputes may arise where community leaders are expected to provide testimony to legal or law enforcement institutions when the time arises. Note this does not apply to 3rd party events or events held on 3rd party private property. For a full list of what admins/leader are (and are not) responsible, see our community guidelines.
  • You must be level-headed and able to avoid drama to mediate community disputes. Adminship is NOT a platform for people to gain power so they can control the community experience of others. In fact, any admin who cannot mediate disputes as a committee with the other members from a neutral position will likely be expelled from their position. Community disputes are handled by a committee of other admins who take time to investigate. Solo or rogue actions taken without the other leaders’ consent are unacceptable.
  • In addition to all the above, community leaders must read and understand our complete list of community guidelines.


Note: Becoming a community leader/admin does not grant the member adminship of the Utah Furs General Chat telegram group. This is an entirely separate entity run and managed by a different group of admins. 

Election Schedule

  • February 18 – 24
    Nominations; members will nominate the individuals that they feel would best serve as admin.
  • Feb 25 – Mar 2
    Opening Statements; nominees will introduce who they are, their qualifications/skills for the position, and what opportunities they hope to contribute to the group as admin; at this same time, the community will also be submitting questions to a Google Form that will be asked of the nominees.
  • March 3 – 9
    Q&A Phase; questions submitted by the community will be presented to the nominees to answer.
  • March 10 – 15
    Q&A Phase 2; Nominees answer questions submitted by the community.
  • March 17 – 22
    Election Phase; the poll will be posted and the community will vote for a nominee.
  • March 23
    The votes will be tallied and the new admin will be announced; the new admin’s duties will commence on the 1st day of the following month.

The election process

What are the steps in the U2F2 admin election process

Step One


  • Anyone can nominate another member who is in good standing to become an admin.
  • You cannot nominate yourself.
  • Each nomination must be seconded by another member of good standing, in order to be officially entered into the election.
  • All nominees must be willing to adhere to and enforce the community rules and guidelines, as well as meet the leadership expectations.


How it works:

  • The official election nomination announcement will be posted on the U2F2 Announcements Telegram Channel.
  • Members can then comment/reply to this announcement post with their nominations.
  • Members can also second other members’ nominations in this comment thread.
  • Nominees can then either accept or reject their nomination only once it has been seconded.
  • Nominated members MUST be a members of the Utah Furs Meetups Telegram Group to be eligible.
Important: It is crucial that both members nominating candidates and potential candidates understand the expectations of a community leader before engaging in the election process!

Step Two

Opening Statements

  • All qualified nominees are welcomed to write up or submit a video (or audio clip) up to 3 minutes long for their opening statements (who they are, what they think they can do for the group, future goals, etc.). This opening statement/introduction is published to this page (see below).

Step Three (we are here)

Open for candidate Q&A

  • Questions are submitted by the community. An admin will then review the questions submitted and narrow down the best ones to present to the nominees. The nominees will then respond to all questions in a written format. The Q&A form is available on this page (see below).

Step Four (we are here)


  • A poll is then created for members to cast their votes on for 1 week.
  • Only members of the group and local Utah furs can vote. Any other votes will be dismissed.


Important: We will be validating each vote (information like the voter’s telegram handle will be required). Invalid votes or multiple votes from a single user will be rejected. Thankfully, Telegram provides us with all the tools to validate voting in this manner, and gaming the system in any way will not be tolerated.

In the case where there are multiple candidates: The adminship will be granted to the candidate who has the most votes. In other words: the popular vote winner becomes the elected candidate.

In the case where there is only a single candidate: The voting becomes a ‘Vote of Confidence.’ In other words, members vote either “yes” or “no” to the eligible candidate. A “yes” vote indicates you have no objections to the potential candidate.

Step Five

Election Results and Induction of Candidate

  • At the conclusion of the week-long period of voting, a winner will be announced to the members of U2F2.
  • The new admin’s duties will then commence on the 1st of the next month.

Current Election Process

Important Updates

As part of the candidate validation process, the following candidates will proceed through to the opening statements phase:

Delta, Arben Sear, Pom Puma Dragon.

This was the first year we’ve hosted the election process on Telegram instead of our Facebook group. In the past, the Facebook group was used to avoid loopholes and gaming of the system, as we could use the platform’s telemetry to validate the candidate and confirm the candidate’s history of active participation in the community.

In light of this change, the adminship realized this could create loopholes that may be taken advantage of, considering there was no validation process involved with members joining the associated groups like there was with the Facebook group.

So, as part of ongoing due diligence (as with all previous elections), admins would validate all candidates on a case-by-case basis, asking all the necessary questions to ensure nomination intent and candidate sincerity. Admins also remained on the lookout for any red flags during this election cycle. They reserved the right to invalidate any nomination or candidate if enough valid red flags were raised.

Unfortunately, a handful of red flags were raised between admins and community members during the nomination phase, resulting in us having to invalidate one of the nominated candidates through no direct fault of the candidate themself. For total transparency, the community and current administration’s concerns were as follows…

Summary for the disqualification:

Being the outgoing admin in this election process Nikko the Curious was required to do their due diligence in keeping the other admins informed of any participation in the process to avoid conflicts of interest. Not only did they fail to do this, but it was subsequently discovered they had claimed to have informed the other U2F2 admins of their intentions to the nominee. No such discussion took place. Had this discussion actually happened, we’re sure this may have played out differently. But, as it was, we simply could not validate Nikko the Curious’ nomination after doing our own due diligence.

Red Flag #1 – The nominator (outgoing admin member Nikko the Curious):

To provide context: Throughout the most recent 12 months of their adminship, Nikko the Curious consistently failed to perform the following duties as an admin and organizer (as stipulated in the U2F2 rules and guidelines):

  • “Acts in a professional manner when representing the group.”
  • “Creates and organizes events in a timely manner.”
  • “Puts the group’s common interests first for every event created.”
  • “Assists in the resolution of disputes between members that occur in the Facebook group or at an event in an unbiased and professional manner.”
  • “Attends special or periodic events sanctioned by U2F2.”
  • “Responds to event requests.”


They consistently failed to respond to repeated requests to assist their fellow admins with the above responsibilities, thus placing unnecessary stress and an unfair amount of work on the other admins. As a result, there were many occasions where the mental health and anxiety of the remaining admins were put under extreme duress. Even when such concerns about the health of their fellow admins were raised, they were either not acted upon and seemingly disregarded. However, the adminship continued to give Nikko the benefit of the doubt despite the ongoing dereliction of their duties.

But, in continuation of this trend of absenteeism, in the lead-up to the admin election process, Nikko was given multiple opportunities and was strongly encouraged to participate in planning the election procedures (as it is also an admin’s responsibility). However, they continued to disregard every request for assistance from the other admin members. Essentially, they remained AWOL during the entire process.

Then, within the last few hours of the nomination period, after having been absent from all discussions and responsibilities for almost a year and ignoring repeated requests to assist the community, Nikko returned to nominate a candidate for adminship. This sudden involvement out of nowhere raised the first red flag.

Red Flag #2 – Nikko’s failure to communicate their intent with the other admins.

While it is not explicitly mentioned in election procedures, it is commonly frowned upon for existing admins to nominate a candidate as it may construe a conflict of interest. This is especially so for an outgoing admin. There have been occasions in the past where admins have nominated candidates. Still, in those instances, that admin must consult with the other admin members as part of their due diligence responsibilities to confirm if such a move aligned with adminship and community comfort. No such consultation was made this time, which raised another red flag.

Red Flag #3 – Nikko’s failure to engage, even when approached with valid concerns from the community and other admins, during the candidacy due diligence process.

Community members also expressed concerns about the nomination when it was made, as we received several cautions. Namely, the candidate in question had never attended any meets or events organized by U2F2 to date. This is unlike the other three candidates nominated, who all have a track record of regular attendance. For additional transparency, these members (who wish to remain anonymous) shared that U2F2 was referred to as “Another Utah based furry community,” indicating they felt the candidate didn’t consider themselves a part of our community and that their participation may indicate a lack of sincerity. It was also shared with us by anonymous concerned community members that this nominee had indicated an intention to use their candidacy in a manner which conflicted with our community rules and guidelines. In particular the concerned member cited the potential promotion of an outside/alternative groups as a key motivator for their candidacy (which conflicts with section 3.5 of the community guidelines), thus indicating the candidate may not have read and agreed to the guidelines before accepting the nomination, which was a requirement. They were also not members of any U2F2 community groups until they were prompted to join at the last minute to obtain eligibility, and they could not be validated for their participation due to the change in the process for this cycle.

For clarity, the adminship holds no ill will towards this candidate… the above responses and community concerns are simply being provided for transparency. We are certain the above comments had no ill intent toward U2F2’s organizers and community members. The current adminship also has no pre-existing qualms with the candidate. However, we had to investigate and act accordingly, considering multiple community members had raised the red flag with concerns that Nikko’s nomination and the candidacy may be conducted in a manner that disregards community concerns.

However, despite all of the above, the admins were still willing to consider the candidate, provided Nikko could help clarify the nomination. Therefore, these concerns were raised between the current admins, community members, and Nikko. This validation procedure is standard in the election process and is especially expected of admin members to actively carry out.

But instead of acknowledging these concerns and remaining open to a dialog with the admin team to clarify their position until an understanding or resolution could be met and the candidate considered, these concerns were again disregarded by Nikko. In essence, Nikko was absent from the entire process, consistently failing to communicate with their fellow admins, then showed up only to nominate a candidate before promptly disappearing again before clarifications could be sought. These actions indicated to the current admin team (and community) that Nikko may have chosen to act in spite of admin and community concerns and that the nomination may have been in bad faith. Such behavior raised a third major red flag.


Because of these three major red flags surrounding the nominator and the numerous valid concerns among the community, which we are charged with investigating and actioning, the current admins believe that Nikko’s actions may not have been made with the best interest of our community in mind. Nikko also failed to clarify their position, which could have validated the candidate. Therefore, the current admins discussed the situation at length, and the subsequent result was the invalidation of Nikko’s nomination, which, unfortunately, resulted in the candidate’s disqualification.

We are sorry that these events put the candidate in such a position. As a show of good faith, we remain open to a dialog with the disqualified candidate to seek a mutual understanding of these events and to work towards further unification of multiple Utah furry communities as we firmly believe in this goal and are willing to collaborate with them for the benefit of all communities.

Meet your candidates

Meet the candidates and hear their opening statements.


Hello! My name is Elliot, though you probably know me better as Delta the Swampert. While I am relatively new to the furry fandom, officially joining just over a year ago, I have since dived head-first into it. I’ve been to as many events as I can and have gotten a chance to meet a lot of amazing people and hope to continue meeting even more. You’ve probably seen me around, whether it’s in or out of suit, at Fluff Party nights, bonfires, FurBowl, Dreamscapes, and most other events. I want to do whatever I can to help everyone out, and I feel this opportunity is just what I need to give back to those who have made my short time in the fandom the amazing time it has been.

I feel like I have strong qualifications for this role through past experiences. In college, I was the booking officer for an on-campus concert venue. In this role, I booked both local and touring artists for shows, including for multiple music festivals held on campus. I also previously served as one of the owners of a community-run Rocket League esports league and production studio, serving as the casting director for the org. In this role I was in charge of all on-stream talent for all broadcasts of league competitions, as well as coordinating commentary teams for team streams for multiple professional teams as well as for the first-ever official community stream for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. I was able to build a team from the ground-up and elevated what was a small and unknown community league to a position where professional-level opportunities became available for the talent. Through these experiences, I have learned a lot about running events and building communities through them. I would love to have the opportunity to put these skills to use to help nurture the wonderful furry community that has been built here in Utah.

I also want to give the community more opportunities to help out. This community would be nothing without each and every one of you, and that should be properly reflected. I would love to see the return of regular meetings with the community in order to give everyone a chance to ask questions and provide feedback to the admins, as well as giving an inside look behind the scenes of U2F2. I would also make it easier for those who want to help with both existing and new events to be able to do so, especially by letting the community know about any potential volunteer opportunities for events and giving additional organizing support to those who are hoping to run their own events but are unsure as to where to start. I would also love to create a system to help coordinate carpooling and finding rides for events so that everyone can attend events without having to worry about scrambling for transportation last-second. I feel like my previous organizational experience would allow me to be successful in this undertaking, and I would love to have the opportunity to allow everyone to help out with keeping U2F2 a success.

This community has meant so much to me. I’ve met some of my closest friends, found a place I belong, and had so many amazing opportunities that have already shaped who I am. This community is something I am extremely passionate about and dedicated to, and I want to see it succeed and flourish. If given the opportunity to join the admin team, know that I will be a dedicated leader and community organizer. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Telegram at @Delta0010. I hope you will give me the chance to join the admin team.

Pom Puma Dragon

Opening Statement Video

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Pom. Pom Puma Dragon. I am someone who is many things: fursuiter, voice actor, tailor, UX designer, and dork… But most importantly, I have been a member of the Utah Furs since 2016 and a previous admin from September 2017 through September 2019.

In my adminship, I would help create and run events such as Noodle Night, Game Nights, Photoshoots, Potlucks, Campfire meets, Laser Tag, and many, many more. I also restructured much of U2F2’s policies, including the rules and regulations, member-submitted events, regular event structure, and even this very election process. Many considered this period to be the golden years of U2F2, but six months after my term ended, the Covid pandemic happened.

A lot has changed, and a lot has been shut down. Much has been restored though, and momentum gained thanks to the admins since my term’s end, but that’s not to say they couldn’t use some help. In this role, it’s important to take initiative, have good communication, and sustain motivation for keeping operations running, whoever takes on that role. For me, it’s a role I am familiar with, and one I have performed successfully. It is my skill in maintaining the well-oiled machine, along with my drive to serve the community that I hope to help usher in U2F2’s new golden age.

Arben Sear

Hello! I am Arben Sear. I’ve been an active participant in the U2F2 community for around two or three years. You might remember me as the dancing lion at Fluff, but when I’m not a gay cat on (or off!) the internet, I’m usually coding for my bachelors in Computer Science at the U.

I believe I would make an excellent U2F2 admin. I am organized, detail oriented, and professional. I was employed as a designer at an industrial enginnering firm for two and a half years before returning to college; during this time, I helped organize meetings, record progress, and other logistics of business (in addition to my other duties).

Levelheadedness and objectivity are important traits in a mediator, but so is availability. I have both.

I am also experienced in organizing events. I coordinated an end-of-summer fursuit hike in 2023 and a white elephant gift exchange in 2021, in addition to many (private) movie nights and game nights at my house.

As an admin, I would like to create more public-facing events by encouraging other community members to host their own events. Coordinating an event isn’t a trivial task. We cannot expect organization leadership to singlehandedly create every opportunity for the many furries in Utah to socialize.

At the same time, organizing events need not be hard. Your first might just be an informal gathering for coffee or going out to see a movie. If I am elected as an admin, I hope to create new, formal leadership positions with the sole goal of creating more events. (That being said, I want to see how leadership is currently configured before I try rocking the boat too much!)

I also hope to set up some events myself. I used to live in Ogden; while I now live in Salt Lake, I regularly drive up to Pleasant View to visit friends and to Ogden Valley to visit family. Salt Lake isn’t the only city where furries live, and not everyone has easy access to a car.

I hope my fellow admins and the other community members will keep me accountable. It can be easy to let plans like these fall to the backburner. Reach out to me anytime @arben_sear on Telegram — my door is open.

Thank you for your time, Arben.


  • I’m a 20-something lion with professional and amateur organizational experience.
  • We need more public fandom events, and to do that, we need more members to step up and organize their own events.
  • Furries don’t just live in Salt Lake. Events should be geographically diverse to serve more community members.

Questions and Answers

Below you will find the questions and candidate answers. Candidates are displayed in the other in which their responses were received.

Question 1:

What will be your strategy for helping furs in the chats of all platforms U2F2 participates in, at meetups, etc. to feel more welcome and included in the community, especially for those who are first-time furries/returning furries, furs who are participating in U2F2 events for the first time, those who are not furs but are supportive to the community, or current furs who struggle with finding connection in the community whether by their physical situation or social disabilities?

(Q by Anonymous)

Pom Puma Dragon: U2F2 admins act as beacons for joining and getting to know other community members. I regularly talk about the local furry community, as it represents my identity. I am very openly furry and very approachable on the topic and generally have my finger on the pulse as to what’s going on in the community. Even after my first admin term ended, many would come to me asking what’s coming up or going on, and in most cases, I can confidently mention events due to my close associations with current admins. It’s also about having passion and excitement for the local community, and since I played a key part in building it, I take a lot of pride in what exists today. But for anyone to really get involved, they need to take the first step and come to us. That is when we can inform and direct the best, but then it’s up to that person how much they want to get involved. It’s like the adage of leading a horse to water.

Delta: Part of my strategy would be based around outreach and trying to build connections with them prior to events or even potentially joining group chats. Having a friend at the start can really help ease people into things. There also needs to be more casual and easy to join events that have lower financial and social pressure. Things like meetups in public parks or cafes can provide a safer entry point than a lot of the bigger events. I’d also try to set up a system to help coordinate rides for carpools ahead of time to allow people to be confident prior to the event that they will have a way to get there rather than needing to scramble at the last second to find transportation. Finally, I’d look to bring back online events in order to allow people to participate in the community from home, giving even more people access to events regardless of their situation.

Arben Sear: There are two opportunities where leaders can be most effective in welcoming others. First, U2F2 admins control public-facing elements of the organization, like the website (which has been done well! Maybe we could add an optional picture of the event host, so people know who to look for when they show up?). Second, while attending events, they should be vigilant for any newcomers who might need a friendly face to say hello. Note that this doesn’t have to be done by an admin specifically(!), but an admin can at the very least ensure someone in attendance is keeping their eye out, even if she herself can’t make it.

Another important duty a leader has is to listen to those she leads. My DM’s will always be open, and always feel free to approach me during an event.

Question 2:

What do you believe are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the Utah furry community?

(Q by Wynter)

Pom Puma Dragon: I really love how tight-knit, yet inclusive the Utah furries are. It’s an ever-evolving community that has different group members interchanging every few months. I like this because it means that U2F2 is acting as a gateway to the fandom where furries are introduced, meet friends, then start doing their own things with those friends. Another great thing about this group is that there is not as much drama as in other furry groups I’ve seen in other cities. Yeah, there’s some drama; there always is, but it’s not nearly as bad as I’ve seen elsewhere. I will say that one aspect that can be improved upon, and one I plan to make a project of my own, is the advertisement of events. How I plan to do this I will explain in a question further down.

Delta: I feel like our greatest strength is how much we care about and try to help each other. I’ve seen this community do amazing things to help each other out. I also feel that we have an amazingly creative community filled with wonderful ideas. As far as weaknesses go, I feel like at times the community can get over-centralized and reliant on pre-existing event structures and groups. We are a tight-knit group, but we sometimes rely more on a smaller number of leaders to take the first step rather than taking that step ourselves.

Arben Sear: Strengths: Safe space (for LGBT+, disabilities, even just being shy). Weaknesses: Cliques, drama

Question 3:

I believe that something that will be needed for this adminship is one who will take initiative. Kayo and Jaye have worked very hard running U2F2 and will need someone who knows how to help take charge. How do you plan to take charge as a leader and keep up the motivation for running this group?

(Q by Pom Puma Dragon)

Pom Puma Dragon: Thanks for the question, myself. The reason I bring this up is that I feel it is very important for the next admin to take an active role in planning, discussing, and creating events with Jaye and Kayo and not just sit on the sidelines, waiting for someone to tell them what to do. For my part, I have a natural ability to take charge, and, in a sense, put myself in the thick of it. Honestly, I get anxious if I have a leadership role and am not doing anything with it. Plus my motivation for running these events is seeing those who attend have a good time and leave excited for the next event and wanting more.

Delta: I feel like my passion and dedication to the furry fandom here in Utah will help me to dive head-first into the role and allow me to stay motivated in leading this community. My previous experience with similar leadership roles will also allow me to hit the ground running and provide a more seamless transition if I am to be chosen for the position. However, this is also not a one-person job and knowing how to operate best as a team will help a ton. While each of us do need to take charge in some aspects, being able to collaborate and delegate will allow the admin team to be able to accomplish more than the three of us would be able to individually.

Arben Sear: Regularly checking in with each other is important. I anticipate that when I’m serving as an admin, my greatest resource will be my fellow admins. (I also expect to be a resource to them.) Additionally, setting monthly goals might help, but I don’t want to force anything on Kayo and Jaye. I need to learn their system first.

Question 4:

A U2F2 Admin needs to be able to exemplify the qualities of good leadership. Do you believe you can take initiative for your responsibilities without constant supervision? What skills do you already possess, and which do you feel you could be stronger at if you could improve your own leadership qualities?

(Q by JayeWysp)

Pom Puma Dragon: Good leaders know when to speak and when to listen; when to talk and when to let others do the talking. This is just one aspect. A good leader gives an energy of confidence that people are attracted to, has good communication, knows how to ease tension, and most importantly, gets stuff done. As I’ve mentioned, I am no stranger to leadership, whether it was through theatre, managerial positions, or what have you; I naturally fall into leadership roles because of the take charge and confidence I exude.

Delta: I do believe I can take initiative, and I feel like my previous leadership experience has demonstrated this. I’ve developed strong team-building and team management skills from these previous roles and I feel like this will be a great benefit to me as a potential admin. I do know that I tend to prefer more behind-the-scenes roles and less visible forms of leadership, and I feel like improvement in my confidence in more public situations would allow me to become a much stronger leader.

Arben Sear: I want to be perfectly clear: I’m a computer science student. I don’t get to control how much work I have week-to-week. The wrong combination of classes next semester could leave me with no time for this position. That being said, I don’t think this is likely – this isn’t residency, and I’m always careful to work with my advisor when selecting classes. (If I thought this should be a big concern, I would not have accepted my nomination.) What I’m getting at, however, is that I’m responsible. I know my capacity and how to allocate my time well. I’m also a good public speaker, and I have a good grasp of fairness and justice. I could be more decisive. I can overthink things.

Question 5:

Do you have ideas for any new events you might want to start or bring back for U2F2?

(Q by Sora)

Pom Puma Dragon: I wonder if it’s a good time to bring back Noodle Nights, or even some of the photoshoot events where I recreate famous paintings with fursuiters. Events can usually be divided into two categories: Gather everyone together at the special place where the fun happens so that we can all do the fun together (ex. Bowling, Hot Springs, Noodle night), or get a general space where we can all be furry and create the fun. (Potlucks, Bonfires, Park meets). To be honest, many times I need help coming up with ideas for meets, but that’s why we have a whole community of idea givers so that I can then make cool new events from those ideas given.

Delta: I would like to bring back the board meetings to give the community more of a chance to both see behind the scenes of how things are run and to give their input and suggestions in order to best help the community grow. I would also like to look at events like glow in the dark mini golf and arcade nights, as these are events that have seen success for other similar groups in other areas. Finally, I’d look to add online events to complement the in-person events and to give more opportunities for those who aren’t able to physically attend events to still be an active part of the community.

Arben Sear: YES. Movie nights, VR events/a U2F2 VR hub [Though this is more of an idea than something I’m ready to act on now, as I’m not personally involved in VR], Furry karaoke, Fluff night at other locations (on different nights than Try-Angles’ Fluffs), More hikes, Volunteering projects (cleaning up trails, helping out at a zoo, providing meals at shelters), BBQs (think the Millcreek Canyon campfire meets) and other potlucks. In general, expanding existing/beloved events to other cities, such as game nights. In general, making it easy for furs to coordinate meets at public, popular, non-furry events, such as the Ogden Renaissance Fair. I don’t want to promise the moon – these are all ideas, not events I’m promising I’ll start. I don’t have any events I want to bring back, as I haven’t been active long enough to see any events die out. However, I remember Kayo mentioning something about wanting to bring back art park jams, so I could support her with that.

Question 6:

Being an admin often means you’re faced with tricky social situations on and offline involving others who may have differing opinions than your own, or may even be a close personal friend. When faced with problematic high-stress scenarios, how well would you manage to remain calm and objective as you work to come up with a resolution that aligns with U2F2’s rules and guidelines?

(Q by JayeWysp)

Pom Puma Dragon: Anytime problems arise, it’s important to think about what is reasonable for an admin to do. Admins aren’t meant to solve personal problems, but many times hard decisions need to be made, all for the benefit of the community. This is where you have to have thick skin, a level head, and not be afraid to consult with the other leaders. It’s times like this when input is so helpful, making sure the decisions you make are fair, for too much action could ostracize a member for something small, and too little could cause scrutiny from the community.

Delta: I feel like I would do a good job remaining calm and objective. However, one of the benefits of working as a part of a team in this role is that these kinds of decisions do not have to be made alone. Being able to collaborate with my fellow admins in making these sorts of decisions would help as well with keeping the decision-making process as objective as possible.

Arben Sear: Check in with others – other admins, my friends and family, and professional help if needed. Step back if a conflict of interest arises. I am well-reasoned, which helps me be objective.

Question 7:

What do you like about the furry fandom and why?

(Q by Anonymous)

Pom Puma Dragon: This fandom gives me a space to be myself and to be around those that are like-minded. It’s fully grown my confidence and allowed me to embrace my weird side, where one minute I’m going down the hall singing Take on Me with Chrono on keytar and a line forming behind me doing the meme dance, then I’m portraying my favorite villain from my favorite book series, then being a dorky Puma Dragon who chirps and hugs the bestest, cutest and like-nobodies-business. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live a boring normal life.

Delta: I love the creativity and sense of acceptance within the furry fandom. This place has truly become a home for me, welcoming me in with open arms.

Arben Sear: There’s a feeling I’ve gotten at furry conventions. It’s kinda bizarre, it’s almost magical. It comes about when I’m going about fairly normal things, like getting food or lining up for an event, except I’m wearing a tail or my fursuit, and maybe the people next to me are in kigus, and within sight are skull dog masks and pup hoods [er, not at AWU] and even some guy wearing a clam head – and no one bats an eye. Everyone’s on the same page. We’ll all seriously listen to the fursuiter holding the mic on stage as she makes announcements, even when she has to try three times to get everything to work with her muzzle and paws. And it puts the biggest grin on my face. My identity as a furry is closely connected to my sexuality. I came out as gay at the same time that I came out as a furry. My social life bloomed in the furry fandom as I discovered who I really was. My fursona is in a polyamorous relationship with two other characters of mine, and like him, I’ve learned to love with an open heart.

Question 8:

How comfortable are you with reaching out, following up on, and maintaining a positive relationship with new venues with the intention to curate more opportunities for events or meets?

(Q by Kayoran Nova)

Pom Puma Dragon: There was a point in my previous adminship where I was reaching out to businesses on a weekly basis, whether that was to restaurants for Noodle Nights where I would ask if they could handle the capacity, to various venues asking if fursuiting was okay. Luckily, I feel that furries and fursuiting aren’t as weird to businesses as it was in the past, but I am certainly no stranger to describing what furries are and what we like to do.

Delta: I am definitely quite comfortable with this. When I was the booking officer for the on-campus music venue in college, I had to both maintain existing relationships and cultivate new ones with independent artists as well as agencies that represented artists. I also have experience from when I was an owner of an esports league doing the same with potential sponsors. I feel like these prior experiences have set me up well to be able to excel in this portion of the admin role.

Arben Sear: I’m very comfortable with this. I’ve already organized a few [public] events, such as a white elephant gift exchange and a hike.

Question 9:

What will your strategy be to help promote U2F2’s growth both online and offline? How will you encourage others to host or participate in creating meets of their own?

(Q by Kayoran Nova)

Pom Puma Dragon: Unless I’m mistaken as to the meaning of this question, part of the admin’s duty is to establish themselves in the group by going to the events that they’ve made and are hosting. In fact, I would say it’s the majority of the responsibility. But yeah, being an admin is quite a time commitment, and time budgeting is a skill that many people say they have, but few execute well. My experience in project-oriented, due-date-heavy environments has allowed me to gain skills in time management and predict when I am getting too overwhelmed with responsibility.

Delta: Part of the duties of being an admin is being an active and available member of the community. As I mentioned previously, being an admin is not a solo job but a role within a team. Knowing when to rely on the expertise and skills of the other admins is a key part of being successful in this role.

Arben Sear: Lean on my fellow admins. Commit to regular check-ins, even if it’s me sitting down by myself once a week and reflecting on my duties.

Question 10:

How do you plan to overcome the challenge of both balancing admin duties as well as continuing to establish yourself and your availability in our group?

(Q by Anonymous)

Pom Puma Dragon: Picking up from where I left off in Question 2, I really want to make it my project to grow U2F2’s social media presence more with Blue Sky and Twitter (however long that lasts). I want to try to archive the events with pictures and show off to the community, and the world, what fun we have with these events. Also… a little secret… I’m thinking of doing a chill U2F2 podcast that talks with folks in the community and gives updates on events. It’s a new thing, no promises, we’ll see how it goes. As for offline promotion, U2F2 is in rotation of topics in my casual conversations. Many times I’ll be fursuiting somewhere or out with my sweater that has Pom embroidered on it, and folks will come up to me saying, “I really want to do more furry things and find other furries” and I’m like “We-e-ell, have I got a website for you. Let me explain…”

Delta: For online promotion, I’d help to resurrect the social media accounts for U2F2 as well as look into expanding into new platforms as well. Since I’ve been in the community, it really seems like the only places where events are promoted at all are on the website, Telegram announcement channel, Facebook group, and various other Telegram groups. This has made it much tougher for people to find out about our events unless they are actively searching for furry events in Utah or already know people within the local community. An expanded social media presence would make it much easier to share information as well, rather than having to rely on links to the website or asking people to join platforms like Telegram. For offline promotion, even something as simple as signage at events will help people who pass by and wonder about what our community is about. For helping encourage others to create their own events, I would help to create a guide for event planning. Having a checklist of what you need for an event, talking points and information to provide to potential venues, and general tips and tricks will help a lot to prevent people from feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start when trying to plan new events.

Arben Sear: Publicize the U2F2 website at events and especially at AWU. Suggest ideas for meets others could take up, especially ones that are easy for someone new to organizing events. Poll for what events people want to see. Connect to groups of furries that don’t participate in U2F2 and ask why. I want to create more leadership positions in U2F2, including an event organizer position

Question 11:

What do you currently do to keep tabs on the local furry community?

(Q by Anonymous)

Pom Puma Dragon: I go to meets. Simple as that. I’m always hanging around, I know most of the community, I’m knowledgeable with updates, I’m around in many telegram chats, and I’m in constant contact with the other admins. Trust me, I know all of your secrets. But like I said in a previous question, I tend to have my finger on the pulse about the local community, and past furries that aren’t as involved will often come to me to know what’s going on and what’s new in the community. I’m not the most super veteran furry here, but I’ve still been around long enough to know a swath of old and current members.

Delta: I am an active member in a number of local Telegram group chats as well as follow the U2F2 announcements. I try to go to as many events as I can as well and try to keep up with the community in-person at them.

Arben Sear: Keep up-to-date on chats. Go to events. Talk to prominent community members.

Question 12:

How would you handle a situation where a member no longer feels safe or comfortable attending meets, such as being bullied or harassed?

(Q by Foxy)

Pom Puma Dragon: Bullying and harassment aren’t tolerated. These situations are a case-by-case basis and many times there is a story going on underneath that needs to be dug up. If the process is the same as it was in the past, there are four levels of discipline, where the level is determined by the severity of the actions. Written and/or verbal warning, a warning of removal if actions continue, temporary removal, and permanent removal.  But it is important to stress that information be gathered, consult with the other admins and get as much of the whole story as possible before making any judgment calls.

Delta: Bullying and harassment are serious problems, and situations like this need to be handled in a serious manner. If someone was being bullied or harassed, I would reach out to get more information about what is occurring so that action can be taken. There are procedures in place within the U2F2 guidelines, so I would follow those along with the rest of the admin team and depending on the severity of the actions we would take the appropriate response as outlined (whether than just be an official warning or a ban). I would also keep the victim in the loop on this so we can take whatever steps are needed to help them feel safe at our events again.

Arben Sear: [The steps listed in my answer aren’t necessarily in order] Talk to my fellow admins. Talk to the person who is the source of the concern (if appropriate). While we might give a warning or ban to the person who caused these concerns, it’s much more likely that we find a less severe course of action. Involve law enforcement (if needed).

Question 13:

What do you hope to accomplish as an admin? If you could make one lasting change to U2F2, what would that be?

(Q by Wynter)

Pom Puma Dragon: Many of my accomplishments haven’t been as flashy as, say, a new, innovative, one-of-a-kind event, or a new website, but more that U2F2 ran buttery smooth, or that various new processes were created that gave steps to make operations easier for me and other admins. I believe it was these background operations that have people looking back with admiration for the time I was an admin. I suppose this round, I want to increase U2F2’s discoverability, at least to start. From there, I don’t know, we will have to see what changes and what works. If the last four years have taught me anything, it’s that you never know what the future holds.

Delta: I hope to help this community grow and prosper if I am chosen for the admin position. If I could make one lasting change, it would be to have more community involvement in how U2F2 runs. While the admins are the leaders of this community, they are far from the only ones able to make a difference. I’d love to help this community become even more of a place where everyone who wants to is able to truly help this fandom grow and thrive.

Arben Sear: More leadership positions. Divvy up the work. (Conflict mediator, admin/overall organization, and event coordinator/specialist) I’m convinced that for U2F2 to achieve many of its goals (like offering more events or otherwise growing), we need more people to step up. An event coordinator is responsible for brainstorming, organizing, and executing events in their geographic area (both personally and encouraging others). They might also specialize in certain events (e.g., the annual Pride parade), types of events (game nights), or aspects of events (events with fursuits have extra considerations). I’m not sure exactly how we’d organize it, but I do know it would be less formal than an admin. We (admins) would ask for a fur in a given geographic area to volunteer


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Delta, Pom Puma Dragon, or Arben Sear.

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